Recicla Clar is a Serious Game developed as a comission for the Government of Andorra to promote good habits of recycling among school students.
This game a good example on how to teach good habits with the subtle ways of serious games. Contents taught by playing stuck easily in the brains of players.
In the case of Recicla Clar, the schools in the country of Andorra participated in a contest to reach the highest score in the game.
Starting with a basic tutorial where every type of container was introduced, the game quickly evolves to a wild classification of every kind of disposal. Thanks to the energy saved, players will collect green fuel that will boost our spaceship to boldly go where no andorran has gone before.
Title: Recicla Clar
Client: Government of Andorra
Genre: Serious Game, Skills
Technology: HTML5
Game framework: Phaser
Year of publication: 2019